How to transfer from cPanel server to another server with cPanel?

Transferring from your current cPanel account to vps with cPanel is fairly easy.  Please refer to the steps below and if you need assistance, you can contact us anytime.

Order Linux VPS with cPanel option

Please make sure to keep your present cPanel account online and only terminate/cancel after you have verified that the data has been moved successfully.  
After you place the order, please allow 12-24 hours for VPS setup with cPanel.  When the server is ready, you will be notified via email
Refer to your welcome email and look up the VPS IP. You will use this IP address to entrance WHM and start the migration process
Log into WHM by entering the IP address followed by port 2082.  For example
After you login, you will first need to creat a package.  You can access this by visiting "packages --> Add a package"
After you creat the package, you will need to create the account in cPanel before migration.  Go to "Account functions --> create a new account"
After you create the account, you can use the migrate role to import the files from your current cPanel server.  To get started go to "Transfer --> copy an account from another server with an account password"
Before starting transfer, we highly recommend setting up a maintenance page or default index.html page informed site visitor about repairs.  This is to stop any new data from being written in your old database.   
After you have transferred your files successfully, you want to make sure your site is working fine.  You can test this by visiting http://yourip/~username.  Replace username with the cPanel username of your website.  
Once you have confirmed the transfer, you will essential to update the DNS for the domain.
To point the domain to your VPS IP, you will need to edit the zone file at your domain registrar. To edit the zone file, you will be using the default nameservers providing by your domain registrar.

Here are default examples -
Hostname - www, record type - A address, 123.456.789.123
Hostname - @, record type - A Address, 123.456.789.123
Hostname - *, record type - A Address, 123.456.789.123
---replace the IP above with your VPS or Server IP
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